HPSR Youngpreneurs 2020-21, one of the most exciting and coveted event, has been launched and conducted as part of the entrepreneurship program. Students of HPSR were mentored, guided and motivated by experienced entrepreneurs who were part of the Alumni of The Hyderabad Public School Ramanthapur. 

As we all know, education is the driving force behind every country’s economy, directly or indirectly. While the society all around is developing with technology and innovations, schools have been in a stagnant scenario. Sure, The Hyderabad Public School, Ramanthapur has adopted modern innovative methods and courses for education. In this regard, The HPSR, have started making students work in groups to solve problems, learn online and integrate science with arts. But it is noticed even then; students graduating lack the advanced skills and innovative thinking to work through the modern day challenges in the workplace. Thus, entrepreneurship, the capacity to not only start companies, but also to think creatively and ambitiously, is very important to be included in school curriculum.

Entrepreneurship education aids students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to think outside the box and nurture unconventional talents and skills. It creates opportunities, ensures social justice, instills confidence and stimulates the economy. Entrepreneurship education is a lifelong learning process, starting as early as elementary school and progressing through all levels of education, including adult education.

Introducing young kids to entrepreneurship develops their initiative and helps them to be more creative and self-confident in whatever they undertake and to act in a socially responsible way.

In this context, Dr S Narasimha Reddy, Principal, The Hyderabad Public School Ramanthapur, under his visionary leadership introduced the subject entrepreneurship in the Class 11. The Alumni Association of The HPSR and The TIE Hyderabad has professionally given intensive coaching to the students under the guidance of Principal. HPSR Youngpreneurs began on March 20th 2021 and culminated with a grand finale on May 2nd 2021. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the prize distribution event was postponed and scheduled on 8th October 2021. Parents, teachers and the students gathered at the assembly hall with great excitement and enthusiasm on this day at 10 am.

Ms. Deepthi Ravula, CEO, WE (Women Entrepreneur) Hub (Govt of Telangana), was the Chief Guest of the event and Mr. Jay ram Reddy was the Guest of Honour. Mr Ashwin Rao, the member of the HPS Society and the Alumni of The HPSR, who played a key role in this event process, graced the occasion with his august presence.

The Prize Distribution Ceremony began at 10:40 am with a warm welcome of the guests by the Principal, HPSR. Then Principal, in his address to the gathering, enlightened the people with the importance of the entrepreneurship. This was followed by an inspiring speech by the Guest of Honor, Mr. Jay, who motivated the students saying that though he belonged to a simple agricultural background, could become a successful entrepreneur only due to his hardwork and entrepreneurial mindset. The students shared their experiences too. Master Harsha and Miss Akanksha were excited to share their memories of one year of learning and experiencing entrepreneurship.

Ms Deepthi Ravula, the Chief Guest, spoke about her varied experiences as a successful entrepreneur. Her work experience includes working in various companies in USA and has returned to India after a gap of 15 years. As a token of Social responsibility, she has taken up the job of handholding the WE Hub and T Hub, Government of Telangana projects. Ms Deepthi gave away the medals and citations to the winners of 1 minute elevator pitch and B – Plan winners and Runners up. Mr. Ashwin gave a stimulating speech and motivated the students after this. He gave away the certificates to the teams with special mention of the projects under various parameters. Teams who received special mention also received citations from Mr Jay, Mr Seetharam (Alumni, HPSR) and Mr Raghu Ram (Alumni, HPSR). The coveted title of ‘HPSR Youngpreneurs’ was given to the team UNMASK amidst standing ovation.  Team UNMASK received a trophy and the CEO of the team Master Harsha received a surprise gift from The Alumni Association. This was a lifetime experience especially for the students who participated. All the mentors, teachers, Principal got a special mention in the event. 

This exhilarating event concluded by giving mementos to the guests.


1 2021 YOUNGPRENEURS Click Here
2 2022 YOUNGPRENEURS Click Here
3 2023 YOUNGPRENEURS Click Here